Enamel in water base of metallized finish and with polyurethane. High resistance to abrasion, weathering and high gloss. No tizna to rub. To apply on iron and wood as decorative effect in interior and exterior.
Main Properties
- Resistant to the elements.
- Metallic Finish
- Very Decorative
- Great fineness
- Resistant to bumps and scratches.
- Excellent brochability, leveling and coverage.
- Without smell.
- Washable.
To protect and beautify those exterior and interior surfaces where a metallic finish is desired, such as doors, windows, gates, railings, garden furniture, etc., of iron, wood and other materials used in construction.
Yield: 12 - 14 m² / Lt (Approximate and according to support).
Dry to touch: 1-2 h
Repainting: From 6-8 hours.
Interior Exterior
Tools: Brush, roller or pistol